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Art Practices

Academic Dissertation

Throughout the development of the animation industry, robot animation plays a major role in the Japanese animation industry. And in the late 1970s, real robot animations had attracted numerous audiences and lead to the Japanese animation industry entering the golden period. Then I think that the worldview of Japanese artists presented in the real robot animations is the reason to invite the audience to discuss.


This issue is helpful for my art project. Since I am inspired by a science fiction story about the future image of human and humanoid robots, which shares a similar background with real robot animations, I can learn from the Japanese artists on the related topic. 


The dissertation aims to analyze and compare on two Japanese real robot animations, titled Mobile Suit Gundam and Super Dimension Fortress Macross, to recognize the ideas and approaches that could express Japanese artists’ worldview are shown in the works. The artists’ worldview I highlighted is the vision of human civilization in the future and attitude on wars of Japanese artists. 


In chapter I, several references will be introduced as discussion frameworks, such as historical backgrounds, theories, and artistic skills. In chapters II and III, the two Japanese real robot animations will be analyzed in visual, technical and contextual aspects respectively. In chapter IV, the topic will be discussed with the above frameworks and analysis to discover the concept and artistic approaches to present artists’ worldviews. And the outcome of the discussion will also be shown in the conclusion.


The basic information will be introduced involve two historical backgrounds, which are the origination of Japanese real robot animation and the events that happened Japanese post-war period, three theories, which are Transhumanism, Futurism, and Anti-war, and artistic skills to appreciate the approaches in the films.


Besides, the two real robot animation works that will be discussed are the Mobile Suit Gundam series and Super Dimension Fortress Macross series. 

For more detail of the dissertation, please CLICK the botton below.

An analysis of Japanese artist’ worldview as represented in real robot animations in case of Gundam series and Macross series

An analysis of Japanese artist’ worldview as represented in real robot animations in case of Gundam series and Macross series


Artist Research

Shi-Kuo Chang (張系國)
Nebula Suite(星雲組曲)

"GY, let me tell you a story. ……robots like you were made to serve humans, but people were too arrogant and selfish, and finally destroyed themselves and their race. ……. “ 


by SF Novel “Doll’s house”

Artist Research

I, Robot

A science-fiction movie located in 2035 that talks about the incident happen in the society of humans and robots. In one scene, a perfect supercomputer “Vicky” calculates out that humans would destroy themselves in the near future.

Artist Research

Proscenium, ink and watercolour on paper
Juliette Losq 
Proscenium, ink and watercolour on paper, h 200cm x w 280cm, x d 200cm, 2018 

I find that the installations from Juliette Losq that use some ready-made material and collage in front of the illustration that gives several layers and atmosphere to the work.

Proscenium, ink and watercolour on paper, h 200cm x w 280cm, x d 200cm, 2018 

Artist Research

Heygate, Sophie Horton, 2016.jpg
Sophie Horton
Heygate, 2016

In the Heygate, the artist tries to put words into the image. It is eye-catching to me but I am not sure what the artist means to do that.

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